Thursday 18 August 2011

3-years on...

A quick mid-week blog as it's three years today that our first alpacas arrived! Cheers! Looking at the first entry in my journal/diary, I was, "beside myself with anticipation...". We're developing the herd gradually, working within our land constraints (trying to find more), not to mention day-job and finance - we're also embracing the fleece to fibre to garment production, and through attendance at shows, seminars, courses and the 'blogosphere' we've met many people all willing to give support and advice and made many friends in the industry. But above all of that, it's love and caring for the alpacas that drives me to get out in all weathers, spending hours improving and maintaining the facilities, and tolerating some of their less pleasant habits, knowing that there are many fantastic moments to enjoy.

This evening I was out dating with Minnie, who sat again for Ashill Grenadier, looks like her maternal priorities are in charge.

Meanwhile here is another phase (7) in the hay shed construction, which has slowed for the day job - I have erected some walls:


  1. The hay shed is looking good...phase 7 is nearly done.....then onto the roof and before you know will be bursting with hay !!.....looking forward to seeing that.....Jayne

  2. Hard to imagine what we did pre alpaca ownership isn't it. We are not far behind you in our journey... how it has flown by!

    Congratulations (on the shed too...looking very smart)

  3. Alpacas moved into our lives three and a half years ago and they have definately taken us over! What would we do if we didn't have them??! Lie-ins, lazy Sundays, travelling, different friends and only trees and flowers in the garden...oh yes, I remember...we'd spend our days sitting on the mower!
