Friday 12 August 2011

Hay shed ( did someone sneeze?)

Refreshed by a one-day holiday in Cornwall with the sunniest two-days this week, it's great to be back - we stayed at a camp-site near Sennen Cove, Lands End and had a great barbequed meal at the beach restaurant Sennen Cove - highly recommended. Last night a load of hay was delivered here at 9 o'clock! - so the urgency for the hay shed was increased.

By popular request (thank you Jayne), here is a summary (in phases) of the hay shed so far:
Phase 1 - remove the hedge - no pictures;
Phase 2 - build foundation pad boxes - this is to raise the floor up to the same level as the alpaca shelter and pen:
Phase 3 - fill foundation boxes with rubble (left over from the studio construction), add a cement slurry to bind it together, and top off with some decent concrete. Add handprints for posterity - in the picture you can see mine with 4-year old Oscar's:

not wanting to miss a trick, one of the chickens joined in while I was a way for lunch - it makes a change from paw prints:
Phase 4 -  fix floor joists and trimmer support frame:
Phase 5 - lay floor panels (previously the walls of the former cattery building):
Phase 6 - fix perimeter beams for the wall panels (same photo); rain stopped play, off to buy a new guitar for up-coming birthday.

To be continued... meanwhile here are the alpacas:

"Mum, I want my supper!"


  1. come your phases are much quicker that mine !...I do like the handprints and especially the feathered dinasor for posterity.....what a lame excuse...rain stopped the work...only to go and get a new guitar !!..that ols chestnut !......looking forward to more phases...its looking good...keep up the good work......Im already thinking about an the barn !!!!...Jayne

  2. A one day spoil Mrs S!

    We need a pic of the one-legged chicken please;)

  3. Haysheds and fleece studios - no end to your talents eh? Suppose the guitar and busking is just a part-time job then Dave? 'pacas look good too. Take care. Shirley & Robbie

  4. Love the chicken footprints! Pacas look happy. Congrats on the three years.
