Thursday 25 August 2011

Hay shed - Phase 7B

Since I'd started the walls under Phase 7, I thought this should be Phase 7B, the completion of the walls. This phase also included adding posts and lintels to support the roof, which will be higher than the original. The photograph shows the view from the paddock side, just inside the shelter pen - once complete, I'll cut through the fence, and the hay shed doors will open into the pen - I hope...

I'm very pleased as I cut some very neat scarf joints,  a skill that's eluded me previously. No progress yesterday, as I woke up and discovered I was a year older than when I'd gone to bed, so a celebratory barbeque was held (yes we did need the water-proof gazebo). Bramley too was one year old yesterday, and settled for a celebratory neck rub, while the others enjoyed pieces of carrot.

{musical aside: currently listening to REM's New Adventures in Hi-Fi, one of their best - I fancy The Strokes new album, never been that keen on them, but their recent singles have been brilliant};

Work on the studio progresses slowly - Mrs. Smallholder stained the facias and barge boards today, and last weekend the floor was screeded. I'm currently taking car-loads of insulation off-cuts to the tip to save on skip costs.

Last weekend, I dragged Mrs. Smallholder screaming and kicking to Fibrefest 2011 which was held near Exeter, and she actually said she was glad I'd persuaded her - it was very good if you like that sort of thing- lots of stallholders of fibre/livestock/yarn/accessories to interest felters/knitters/weavers/spinners and breeders. The site was Bicton College, a lovely setting, with some good food stalls to round it off, just over an hour away from us, so we were back early afternoon for more grafting...


  1. The hay barn is looking good.....Im now wondering just how many bales you can fit it there !!....and an enjoyable trip to the Fibrefest....and why not indeed ! do matter how big the barn is.....its never big enough !!......Jayne

  2. We'll get about 60 bales in there - they are all waiting in the alpaca shelter. So with present herd we should get through most of the winter. I've used the wall panels off the cattery as it was in such good condition, and just had to strengthen the floor and provide a new roof - so maximum use for minimum cost.
