The South West Alpaca Group held their first autumn fleece and craft show on saturday. We were very chuffed to find that Apple Vale Fortune's fleece was awarded 1st place and Best Light Fleece, and Dr. Harvey was given 2nd place black fleece.
Joy was demonstrating wet felting during the day, and also was awarded 1st place for her hand-spun, hand-woven scarf, and 1st place for a felted wreath in the Christmas category, and 3rd place for a felted elf boot in the same category.

The show also included a number of stalls with crafters and breeders selling their products made from alpaca fleece, showing the huge variety of possible uses for fleece, and the many techniques, whether hand-crafted or machine-made.
The show organizers got a nasty surprise when they arrived, as overnight, a car had ploughed into the rear of the hall, and for the duration of the show was embedded in the wall, completely filling the cleaners cupboard!
It was good to catch-up with fellow breeders so long after the main showing season, and we get another chance in a couple of weeks when we head up to the Midlands Halter Championship at Malvern. To that end, Apple Vale Jupiter has been weaned, and I have been halter-training him. Here he is with his male cohorts: