Sunday 24 July 2011

Butter wouldn't melt in his mouth...or would it?

When I saw this scene, my camera was in the house and I thought that by the time I'd ran down and back and changed lenses, the moment would be lost, but I still couldn't resist it, and he even snoozed on, giving me time to cross the paddock to get close up.

So a few days later we were surprised to see him (how can I put this in a way not to offend innocent readers), making amorous advances to Pelachuta, who, after a little playing hard-to-get, willingly dropped down - hopefully, todays trip will have satisfied Pela's urge to procreate.

As it happened, I had made arrangements for Minnie and Pelachuta to be mated today, and so we took a trip to Ashill Alpacas, which appeared to go very well - we need to sell them to give us scope for developing the herd within tight land restrictions - they've both given us two good cria, and proven to be good mums, and will be ideal for someone else starting a herd.

Meanwhile, we have the studio watertight, so at least we won't need to sweep out the  pool again, that was ever-filling with  the constant heavy showers recently.

Felt, battens and rooflights in place - tiles stacked for lying - cladding and internal fit-out next...


  1. Ahhhhhh....

    Are you telling... who was the lucky male/s?

  2. We've done a repeat with Minnie to Ashill Grenadier, as we are pleased with Camelot, and Pela' was mated to Ashill Fandango.

  3. How sweet does he look.

    The studio is coming along nicely too!

  4. That is so sweet, its always great to catch such a cute photo of mum and baby.

    Studio is looking good.


  5. Great photos love your new cria

  6. What a fantastic photo....just captured the moment....perfectly. The studio is coming along nicely....just in time for the winter knitware range to be created !!......Jayne
