Tuesday 3 May 2011

'Missing' Blogger shows up at Show

Monday was the North Somerset Show, with alpacas under BAS rules for the second year, and entries more than doubled to around 130 I believe.

Apple Vale show team
 Sunday afternoon I had got all the equipment prepared and loaded,  when at 3o'clock my brother-in-law suggested that one of the trailer tyres was flat, and he was correct - doh!! I had no ring or socket spanners of the wheel-nut size, and it was too late on a sunday to head off to Halfords - I checked my RAC membership which was for rescue but I had to be more than quarter of a mile from home, so was considering setting off to spend some time in the nearest lay-by, but I also have 'Horse Trailer Assist' cover, and upon enquiry was told that the trailer was covered at home- 45minutes later all was sorted!

The parade of champions
Despite forecasts of showers, only a few drops fell over-night, and a bright morning dawned - the day was continuously sunny, with a stiff cool breeze, so I returned with a wind/sun-burnt face, and white 'tiger-stripes' in my smiling wrinkles - yes it was that enjoyable a day.

Bramley went in the fawn class first, but didn't get placed, however Ambrosia clinched a second place, (as most girls of her age will be 'starting a family' and unable to travel), which gave us a role to play in the Championship line-up and was a treat to be in such company.

Cathy Lloyd judjing for Supreme Champion, and chose Valley Alpacas, The Diplomat (far end)
Most pleasant surprise of the day was finding a couple of ladies talking to Mrs. Smallholder at our pen.....it was only Jayne from Zanzibah with Les from Wellground - 'Cinderella' had left her overalls in Scotland for a few days 'r and r' with Les, Rob and their alpacas in the West Country - perhaps there's scope for an alpaca exchange holiday network.We hope you have a great break Jayne, and it was lovely to meet you.

Finally, you may be encouraged to vote for AV on thursday, but do not confuse Apple Vale with the Alternative Vote!

The ducklings are growing rapidly

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like a very successful day out...and a nice pic of Cathy's bottom too!
