Sunday 22 May 2011

Devon County Show

Thursday was the first day of the show, and we took Bramley, plus Autumn Gold as company. Though registered as Dark Fawn, Bramley was entered in the Brown class, and was confirmed as that colour on the day, so with a class of 13, we knew she would be making up the numbers, but someone has to provide the reference points for the judge, and it's more experience for handler and animal, and more for the public to enjoy - it was a warm dry day, and the organizers had a good set-up with a pair of penning marquees, and an outdoor show arena, which was small enough for the spectators to see close-up. Val Fullerlove judged, and made us all feel an important part of the show. Bramley faced any way except the way the judge wanted us, and found the grass in the ring to be much more enjoyable than that in her pen. As always, meeting other breeders and the public were a pleasure.

Langaton Jacinta and Patou Reya stand attentively, while in the background, Appple Vale Bramley wanders around in circles.
 The most startling part of the show was when we visited the poultry show - amidst a cacophony of crowing, clucking and quacking, there was also an egg competition - on a line of tables 30-40 feet long, were dishes of three to four eggs, by hens and ducks competing in around twenty classes - and the same person took every prize in every class - thank goodness they weren't showing alpacas! (Note to self: must enter some eggs next year).

Meanwhile, on the same day, work commenced on construction of our fleece workshop and studio, with excavation of the additional foundations.

With most of the cattery building removed, work can commence on the Workshop & Studio.


  1. Wow, fleece workshop and studio, what a great idea! Do tell those of us who are too far away to see it a bit more!

  2. Patience Judi, hopefully all will steadily be revealed - posting 28th March tells a little.
