Sunday 24 June 2012

They'd steal the coat off your back!

"This should make good nest lining"
"oi clear off!"
"Does my bum look big in this?"
Yesterday we took Bramley and Ambrosia to a country fair held for the Childrens Hospice South-West, at Cossington, a near-by village - a good day, with plenty of interest in Joys fibre-craft courses, and the rain held off until we got home in time to put a coat on Discovery - his sire was Ashill Fandango, a mid-brown with a consistantly fine fleece, and so with Pelachutas line having fawn and brown, we were expecting a fawn or brown, but were surprised how dark he is - we'll watch to see what comes out from below the skin in the coming weeks.

I had just gone into the house after taking endless pictures of Discovery, when Joy came shouting, "come and see this!" - it was the magpies on Moiras back, so I raced out with the camera.

Now, concentrate on the footie...


  1. Congratulations on your lovely Discovery he looks a lovely solid boy and a very rich colour...the photos are fantastic !! Enjoy the football !.....its coming to an end soon !! hopefully !!! ...........Jayne

  2. Cheeky least you had two for Joy!!

  3. Great action pics of the magpies. We don't get them in this part of the world - just 'hoodie' crows! Shirley & Robbie
