Sunday, 30 October 2011


Our three pregnant girls all scanned positive on friday - we were sure about Autumn Gold in any case, as she has become a lot more 'feisty' since mating. Camelot had his ear-tag and microchip fitted.
Workshop side - flooring and more tables awaited.
 Today we gave ADE injections to each, and a few toe-nails were clipped. Bramley has a bit of a crusty skin on her legs so had a 'shampoo' and  'oil' treatment, made all the more difficult as she chose to kush throughout - she is as good as gold, but it was hard work rolling her around,and lifting her to open her legs up to get into the joints.
Clothes are models own...

Otherwise, it's been all-go in the Workshop & Studio - both the external doors had two coats of stain this weekend, thanks to mild and mainly dry weather, though I rigged up some protective polythene so we could leave the doors open and keep the slight drizzle off.
Studio side - each side has a mezzanine store - in this picture, supported by the roof truss in the background.

No time for alpaca pictures this weekend, so here are some sneak previews of the studio looking a little bare.


  1. Very Very jealous of our Studio, still nothing happening with our plans for a fleece workshop.

  2. Sorry that was supposed to read 'your Studio' fingers not working as fast as brain!

  3. The studio looks fantastic...just a bit better than my portacabin I would say!!

  4. The studio looks great - well done. The local Tourist Board will be well impressed no doubt. Shirley & Robbie

  5. Nice looking studio! Hope to see it up close soon!

  6. The Studio looks who's the squatter ....I hope that was a well earned rest after all that hard work !!...where's the beer !!.....or the Champange !! I think you deserve it !.......Jayne

  7. Studio and workship look fantastic, can't wait to see it up close xx Hilda
