Sunday 3 April 2011

Music may be the food of love...

"ooh, a busker - do you think he's any good?"
 ...but the love of food over-rides the music - during a sunny afternoon yesterday, I decided to test the musicality of the herd - unfortunately, I chose to do it whle they were making the most of the lush lawn grass, and they found the grass more interesting than my guitar playing - at least that's my view...
someone is interested...

We had expected to be sending the herd off on holiday this weekend, to rest our paddocks and allow us to harrow, treat for weeds, and fertilize, however we had several reservations about the destination paddock and have held off for now - we won't compromise the health and well-being of the herd, and so will work within our own constraints until the circumstances change.
"..keep your head down, he might go away.."

Earlier in the week an amusing incident occurred:  we use individual feed buckets with the moulded integral handles, and Autumn Gold always tips hers up to reach in - one morning I was distributing the buckets, and dropped one of them into an empty shallow bucket which had a handle - unknown to me, Autumn chose this bucket, and after a minute or two of quiet breakfasting there was a sudden commotion, as Autumn reared up with the bucket handle around her neck, and the bucket dangling like a necklace! Fortunately I was able to grab her before she set off around the field, and calm her while Mrs. Smallholder removed her new neckwear.
"that sound is making my 'teeth' grind...can you play, 'cud ya' be loved' by Bob Marley? "


  1. Looks like the girls are enjoying 'the green green grass of home' well all except little Bramley...maybe a bit young!

  2. 'Pacas prefer pan pipes, Dave!

  3. Cud ya be loved.....indeed...sounds better without the bucket....just goes to this sort of accident can happen !!....thankfully you were there to make thing better....! Jayne

  4. Rocker or Hippee? Can't quite figure it out yet.

  5. Mark, I thought a trailing lead from my electric guitar and amplifier might be too much for the girls at this stage, so I'm introducing them gradually - now, where did I leave the kaftan and beads...
