Wednesday, 27 January 2010

Tickly in the west...

Things are a bit quieter with the weather settling down for a while, and doing the quarterly accounts and VAT for the day job. I've set up the weather station mast so we can collect data on available wind on our site. Talking of weather, I've always been bemused by the TV weather presenters talk of the weather being "quieter" - they never tell us when it will be louder...and I like the idea of tickly weather, as in: "today there will be showers and rain - 'tickly in the west" - (particularly). Listen out for it on the next forecast - tickly weather can only brighten your day.

You'll see we've got a logo which we created for the advert in the SouthWest Alpaca Group Yearbook - watch out for the polo shirts, balloons, flags, banners etc. etc. ha ha. All in good time - concentrate on the alpacas first.

Have booked for various elements of the Futurity so hope to meet some of you there - running out of time to take a winning photograph for the competition - had to give up teaching them to juggle...and the chickens just refuse to sit on the pacas...

We were re-arranging the compost heaps, and while we do use most of what the girls produce, Mrs. Smallholder had the idea shown in the photograph - everyone wins.


  1. You should enter the nose-less snow man that was a fabulous photo.

    I'll look out for you at the Futurity, we'll be there.

  2. You'll be really sheepish when you learn that your weather presenters do not have lazy pronounciation, but that 'tickly' is in fact a meteorological term! A bit like when (not so long ago) I thought that 'there is no news that is good', as opposed to the lack of news being a good thing. I also thought that many hands made light (bulbs) work.

  3. Nice Logo !...and good idea for the alpaca poo !...they say where there's muck theres money !! need a poo brick press...I made one inspired by Debbie ! could sell them, thanks for the log store compliment, I made that last year with my Mam and looks nice full, but I don't know for how long, with this weather.....Jayne
