Sunday 30 March 2014

Kangaroo capers!

We've separated the weanlings again to finish weaning, after one of them was caught having a sneaky suckle the other day, and her mum seemed happy, but she's supposed to be pregnant so we don't want her being over-stretched - weaning got interrupted after 3 weeks, early in February when the weather became so appalling that we had to get them all sheltered. The suckling was a surprise, as they had been together for over a month with no sign of either bothering their mum.

In the picture above, they are looking longingly down towards their mums. We have continued halter training, with steady progress, and today Oscar, who is six and-a-half, started preparing as a junior handler, and he and Elstar got on very well together!
Look! I'm a kangaroo! (Golden Delicious - supposed to be pregnant!)
We've started making show entries for this year, and today following an inspection, we thought we may add another to the team.


  1. Looking good Dave, Elstar is growing on nicely and packing on the fleece, beautiful!

  2. Dave, I know Golden Delicious is jumping but she look as though there's something hidden in her "pouch"! Hope those weanlings soon forget their mums!

  3. Lovely photo of Golden Delicious!

  4. I do love the photo of the weanlings looking longingly over the fence, but hands down, that photo of Golden Delicious is brilliant. My 3y.old made me show him again and again, interspersed with his own impressions of alpaca jumping! Good luck to Oscar with his alpaca handling :) Lisa

  5. Great photos Dave - they are all looking good. Shirley & Robbie
