Sunday 16 December 2012

Ten, Tango and a Triangle.

We've been busy in the last few weeks using every spare daylight minute, and days off the day job, fencing one of our new paddocks to see us through the winter - yesterday, we released the herd into the paddock:
The charge of the light (and some browns) brigade.
Today we gave them all ADE injections.

They now have a south-facing hill.

"Race you to the top!"

Discovery galloped, pronked, and threw sideways 'shapes'

I collected Camelot from his agisting farm yesterday, and he met the herd from a distance - we're very pleased with his fleece too:
Camelot stays in his quarantine paddock, while Discovery checks him out.
...and the title? All ten of the herd are together again - the new paddock is a triangular because it suits the final layout of lanes and paddocks - and the tango? I'm 'Strictly' settling down for the dancing and Sports Personality!

Most fields in an agricultural holding have names which the farmers through history have evolved to identify them. When you divide a field, you then have to come up with new names - we currently have the Orchard Paddock and the Top and Bottom paddocks (creative aren't we?). The new field we will be dividing, but so far only has a triangular paddock, which we have ended up referring to, as 'the pi-angle'...have you some 'interesting'names for your paddocks?


  1. We have fields called Land Wodden, Jack Ross, Old Ten Acres and New Ten Acres - all named by my Great Grandfather and Grand Father!!
    The paddocks tend to be named after who is in them at the time!

    Your new paddock looks like it has some good grass in it - and a very handy slope if that is what it looks like in the background (flooding).

  2. Don't the 'pacas just love getting into new grass - especially if it's a brand neew paddock! Great to see them celebrating and enjoying their expansive views. 'Top' and'Bottom' paddocks for us - boring eh? Well done with the fencing! Shirley & Robbie

  3. We are so lacking in imagination. I didn't realise we would be handing on these names to future generations; roadside field; top, middle, bottom, pony paddock, pond field. I shall rechristen as soon as I have an origional thought!

  4. Our paddocks are called: Rorkes Drift (girls feeding paddock), Isandwalana (boys feeding paddock), The Somme (the wet one) and Pearl Harbour (the very wet one).

    They're not actually but they should be!

    Nice to see the herd looking so good in their new quarters.

  5. Oh's top, bottom, middle for us but we also have Rod's Paddock (he helped us clear the little wood to make it!) and the Garden Paddock then we have "over the road"! It is such a delight to see the alpacas pronking around when released into a new paddock..yours certainly look very pleased with all you hard work fencing!

  6. We only have the one paddock, but we do have a long narrow area in that paddock called "the archery pitch". It's the only level area in a steeply rising field, and was levelled for me to practice my sport. However, the boys have taken over one end for their favourite sleeping out spot, and the other end for their longest standing poo pile. You wouldn't want to lose an arrow there...

  7. Brilliant, I seem to have ignited some thoughts there - I've also learned a bit about the Zulu war (thanks Mark).
