Sunday 20 November 2011

Slap and tickle!

There I was, poovering away in the warm sun, in a tee shirt, when a Red Admiral fluttered around and settled on my head- I wondered if Wimbledon had begun, but then, hang  on, IT'S NOVEMBER!
Minnie in the crush, after her pedicure.

Minnies mite-affected legs have been getting some Udder Salve 'slapped' on this week - while she is concentrating on her feed bucket in the morning, I have crept around with a handful of goo and rubbed it up her legs.
"I'm next!" - "no, it's my turn!"

Her toe-nails needed trimming and she's never enjoyed having her legs touched, so today we made a crush out of hurdles, gave her some Hazel leaves and Alfalfa for distraction, and I clipped them on the ground - it worked a treat.
Moira - enjoying her new-found treat.

Moira has always been timid and never eaten from the hand, but yesterday, I wanted to give Minnie extra feed in the afternoon as she is nursing and pregnant, so I took just two buckets of feed, which Minnie guarded well, and I distracted the others with carrot strips, and Moira joined in, and I repeated the exercise today.
Camelot - learning a new taste.
And the tickle? - for lunch we had 'Tickler' cheese - sorry to disapppoint!


  1. I saw a Red Admiral last week also fluttering around, its hard to believe its November ...! Ive also had toes and tantrums to deal with !! I needed something slightly stronger than a ease the pain !! not to mention the squeels !!!!.....what a palava !.....Jayne

  2. It wouldn't be half as much fun if they didn't tease us, and have us coax them into accepting our offering by hand...all adds to our addiction to them I am sure!

  3. With title thinking like that I'm glad it wasn't about poop testing otherwise it would have been test and .....!

  4. Once they get the taste for carrots, they're hooked!
